MSPCC is working to increase access/commercial coverage for wraparound services.
An Act to Increase Access to Children’s Mental Health Services in the Community
Wraparound services are a set of intensive and holistic services that allows individuals with complex needs to stay in their communities. Currently, private/commercial insurers are not mandated to provide behavioral, emotional, and mental health service coverage. This bill requires coverage for community and home-based behavioral health care services (“wraparound care”) for children and adolescents with mental health disorders who are covered by commercial insurance. As of now, these services are only available to children with MassHealth and their families through the Children’s Behavioral Health Initiative (CBHI).
Important facts:
Approximately one in five children and adolescents experiences symptoms of a diagnosable mental health disorder each year.
Half of all lifetime mental illnesses begin by age 14; three quarters by age 24.
Community-based care can prevent costly out-of-home placements. Commercial insurers should welcome the opportunity to decrease the need for costly hospitalizations.
We are working to make sure all Massachusetts’ children are supported with coverage of wraparound services.