Staff Spotlight-Ramon

Meet Ramon, a home visitor for the Healthy Families Program.

Healthy Families is a family support and coaching program that supports young, first-time parents and helps them create stable, nurturing environments for their children. The program matches parents with trained professionals who visit families’ homes to provide support during pregnancy and the child’s first three years of life. Healthy Families Massachusetts is a statewide home visiting program available for first-time parents age 20 and under, supported by the Children’s Trust. Funding through the Massachusetts Home Visiting Initiative provides important service enhancements and supports to our proven home-visiting programming.



  •     When did you become involved with MSPCC?

How I got involved with this great organization was a great blessing for me. ​T​he Healthy Families program ​had ​just got​ten​ started, I believe it was the second year of the program.​ I started in June of 2000.​

  •      What is one success story you’ve had working here?

I’ve had plenty of success stories​ and it’s really difficult to pick one particular story. ​Working with families is hard and can be extremely frustrating and draining ​despite your best​ ​​intentions​. My greatest success would have to be when a family enter​s​ our healthy families program as a couple and finish​es​ ​our program ​even ​stronger and​ more​ aware of the impact​ they have on each other and on their child.​

  •      What is your most child-like quality?

My child-like quality is definitely short memory lol… On a serious note, if I could pick one child-like quality I would choose “excitement”. I woke up today-yay!

  •     What do you love most about this job?

I get a great sense of pleasure and a deep satisfaction when families learn to work together to help foster their beautiful children. I love how you can personally affect families ​on a ​deeper​ level​ for generations to come. I can always have the enjoyment of knowing that I was there.

  •       If you could grant one wish to help MSPCC, what would it be?

If I had a one wish and only one; I would grant the organization unlimited resources to help and protect our families and the generation​s​ that are due to follow. It might be cliché but one less dollar to a program means less for our families.

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