We are excited to share our video series: A Moment with MSPCC. Each month, we will share a short video, focusing on a variety of topics that pertain to our work, to keep you updated on our efforts on behalf of children and families across Massachusetts.
Check back every month and join us for a Moment with MSPCC! Please feel free to share them with your family, friends and colleagues. Help us spread the word about our important work.
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Encompass: Community and Collaboration for Foster Families | May 2021
Turning Points: An Evening to Benefit MSPCC | April 2021
Our April video features MSPCC’s Executive Director, Mary McGeown, who tells us about the importance of Child Abuse Prevention Month and how MSPCC celebrates each year.
Preschool Expulsions | February 2021
Our February video features Aditi Subramaniam, MSPCC’s Infant and Early Childhood Mental Health Partnership Manager, who discusses the topic of preschool expulsion in the wake of a recent Boston Globe story that highlighted a six year-old Black, Latino boy who was accused of “improper conduct” at school and reported to the police. Watch the video to learn about the impact of preschool expulsions on children, especially children of color, and about what it means to support young children across Massachusetts.
Healthy Families | December 2020
December’s video features Yaniss Alegria, a Home Visitor for our Boston Area Healthy Families program, who tells us about her work with young parents and babies enrolled in Healthy Families and the impact of the holiday season on her participants.
Gratitude | November 2020
Our November video video features Aditi Subramaniam, MSPCC’s Infant and Early Childhood Mental Health Partnership Manager, who discusses the importance of expressing gratitude to children and MSPCC’s efforts during the Thanksgiving season.
A Moment with MSPCC | October 2020
Our inaugural video features MSPCC‘s Executive Director, Mary McGeown, who discusses how MSPCC quickly shifted our approach in the time of COVID-19.