Invest in MSPCC Through The Mary Ellen Society
Named for a little girl whose landmark child abuse court case led to the establishment of MSPCC in 1878, the Mary Ellen Society honors supporters whose generosity via bequests or life income gifts ensures MSPCC’s work will continues into the future.
Mary Ellen Society members receive invitations to all MSPCC events, and are listed on the members’ roster in MSPCC’s annual report and on our website. There are no dues, fees or minimums associated with membership in the Mary Ellen Society. There are many planned giving options available today that create financial benefits for you, the donor, and the organization receiving the gift.
Ways you can create a lasting legacy:
A gift in your will: You can make a planned gift in your will to MSPCC at no cost today, and promote the rights and well-being of children and families for generations to come. We’ve partnered with FreeWill: a free online resource that can help you create your will and begin your legacy keeping children safe and healthy. Learn more and get started now.
Add MSPCC as a beneficiary of your retirement account or life insurance plan
Invest in Charitable Gift Annuities allowing you to make a gift while assuring your own financial security
Donate stocks or personal property
Include MSPCC in your giving through Charitable Gift Funds
If you have an IRA, 401(k), life-insurance policy, or any other assets not included in your will, you must plan your beneficiaries for them separately. You can designate MSPCC as a beneficiary to promote nurturing and stable environments for children. We’ve partnered with this free online tool to help you make your plans in just minutes today.
A gift to MSPCC can ensure that our important programs continue to be available to children and families in Massachusetts while fulfilling both your philanthropic and financial goals.
As always, we recommend you consult your financial advisor to learn more about these options and to determine the best method of giving for you.
For more information on any of the above programs, please contact Melanie Lima, Director of Development, at (617) 587-1587 or email at All inquiries will be held in strictest confidence and place you under no obligation.
Already made a gift to MSPCC in your will? Please fill out this form so we can say thank you for preventing child abuse in your lasting legacy.