We have compiled a number of resources, from navigating special education to child care considerations, trainings, and support groups, all geared towards supporting your family’s successful transition back to school. Our goal is to share information as it comes in, in the hope of providing support in this changing landscape. The following resources and guidelines are up to date, but we acknowledge that decisions are being made every day:
DESE: This page will provide information for schools about the coronavirus known as COVID-19 and will be updated as additional guidance is available.
DEEC: toolkits and additional resources for the reopening of child care.
Federation for Children with Special Needs has created an entire resource page dedicated to providing health and educational guidance, and information to help families prepare for return to school in September. Resources include a school reopening FAQ, a list of guidelines provided by different government agencies (EEC, DESE, etc), as well as guidance on IEPs, waivers, and other laws governing special education.
MassAIMH “Going Back to School” social story to help prepare young children for return to school. Download it to customize it for the children in your life. MassAIMH has also gathered resources/tipsheets from their partners in the National Alliance for the Advancement of Infant Mental Health. These are located at the bottom of the page.
Mass Parent Teacher Association (PTA): Tackling COVID together resources. This website includes resources for social emotional support, learning at home, and health and safety.
Child Mind Institute Managing Anxiety During Reopening
Mayo Clinic video to prepare children for a Covid-19 nasal swab test, to help ease some of their potential fear and anxiety. This video is appropriate for children four and older.
National Center for Pyramid Model Innovations Resources and practices for reopening, including a framework for parents to use when relaying to teachers how to best support their child. ENGLISH | SPANISH
Children’s Mental Health Campaign, in partnership with MHAP for Kids at Health Law Advocates, hosted a training on May 19th, 2020 on how to navigate special education services during the COVID-19 pandemic, led by Marisol Garcia, Director/Managing Attorney for the MHAP for Kids Program. Watch the webinar HERE. Click here to access the toolkit and FAQ about this topic.
MHAP for Kids embeds a specially-trained attorney in seven of the state’s Family Resource Centers (FRCs) located in Boston (Roxbury), Holyoke, Lowell, Lynn, New Bedford, Quincy, and Worcester. These attorneys work with families to begin or improve special education services, secure and/or coordinate community-based mental health services, collaborate with Dept. of Children and Families, Dept. of Mental Health, and Dept. of Developmental Services, and advocate for general education accommodations, assist with health insurance coverage.
Have a question? Email kidsnet@mspcc.org
The Kid’s Net staff are ready to support foster families this Fall! We know many aspects of life are uncertain these days and Kid’s Net is here to help! Please reach out to our regional staff and FRL’s with your questions and concerns. As usual, Kid’s Net is ready to help with overnight respite and short-term childcare. We are excited to offer our Fall training schedule virtually from September through December. Additionally, our FRL’s will be leading smaller, virtual support groups regularly by area office. Please look out for our schedule that will be sent by mail in September and will also be available on our website and on FosterMA Connect! www.mspcc.org/kidsnet
DCF: Find resources, information and announcements from the Department of Children and Families related to the coronavirus (COVID-19).
The National Foster Parent Association (NFPA): The NFPA provides a number of resources specific to supporting DCF-involved children and the families who care for them.
Parent support groups:
Please check out mspcc.org/kidsnet for our full list of support groups by region.